Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving a little Christmas and the Gym!

This weekend we visited my family in Springfield,MO It was a lot of fun but a very long weekend!! It was an over all great trip! Sunday morning we awake to SNOW, I am like wait wasn't it 60 degrees like two days ago!! My dad (Randy)got to go home from the Hospital on Sunday afternoon. I am so Thankful he is doing better!!

Christmas we braved black Friday, NO I did not get out there with all of those CRAZY people at 4:00am. We waited until like 7 or 8pm it really wasn't bad. Guess what I am done Christmas shopping and they are all wrapped and ready to go to one of the 3 places we go every Christmas!! We didn't spend a whole lot of money and got some really nice things for all 5 of the kids!

Okay now for the gym, the new World Gym in Lowell! I am really excited and ready to go! I am so ready to get rid of about 50 pounds!! I am finally to the point of truly being tired of feeling sorry for my self. Get ready for a New Women!!! I have to stay true to my self and no one else!

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