Friday, November 28, 2008

My Thanksgiving Vacation

Okay so not a good holiday!! Tuesday I got a phone call at almost 10:00, It is my mom they took my dad(Randy) to the hospital! He has heart troubles although it had been 4yrs since the last time he was effected by it, he is considered to be a high risk. We were in the ER with him that night until about 4:00am! They finally get him set up in a room and tell us we have to wait outside in the waiting room for an hour while they get him set up!! I was beyond tired I couldn't believe by the time I got to go to sleep that morning I had been up for 24 hours. So on Wednesday we got up at like 11:00am and headed back up to the hospital hoping that everything go fixed that night. Only to find it had not, we spent the rest of the day up at the hospital with him. Thanksgiving morning we went to my step grandmas and ate a very quick lunch and then took food to my parents at the hospital. We found out last night that it is possible he could be in until Monday. Tyler and I are heading for my grandparents in the morning to spend the night and having Thanksgiving in Springfield, MO. I am looking forward to a night away but at the same time I am worried about Randy!

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