Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Morning sickness

I have not experienced morning sickness per say. I have had one night of being sick and it was not to bad! Although if I am nauseated it is for the entire day! All together I feel okay!! I have some of the nicest friends a girl could have!! My friends that have been pregnant are so sweet to donate maternity clothes to me! I am really cheap and do not like to buy things!! I am hoping I am only going to gain baby weight and not much more since I am working out as much as I can!

We have already been talking about what we want to do the baby room in which is so exciting!! If it is a boy Tyler wants to do sports mostly Baseball! If it is a girl I would like to do Zebra prints and wild life stuff! We are looking for strollers and car seats and a crib! We already have a glider but I am thinking it isn't going to match the room! I think it is the type that you can change the bottom and the back of it! We will see!!! We find out what we are having around the end of March! It seems so far away but I am sure it will come fast!I am having my moments that I am so excited about the baby then I will get really nervous!!! We get to hear the heart beat on the 27th and I am so excited and ready to hear it!!!