Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Home full of tears good and bad!!!

It has been a really trying time for us latley!! I know the Lord has a reason for things to happen in his time. Sometimes it feels as though the load that you are having to bear is to much. Tyler has lost three family members since the a couple of weeks before Chirstmas! First his brother 30, then last week his great grandmother 94and just yesterday his uncle 60's! It has really been hard on the family they have not had much time to heal. I know and they know as well that God has a reason and a plan for everything it is just hard to see it right now though the tears! So please keep us in our prayers!

The good I am now 13 and half weeks pregnant I am showing a little but not much! I feel like a blimp!!! I have been crying over everything and when I say everything I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!!!! It could be from a TV show or even as small as a commercial!! I have cried over the commercials with the dogs that need to be adopted I mean come on Amber get a grip!!! This is just crazy!I didn't have a lot to say but a little is better then none at all!

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